Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Has it really been over a year?

Rather than start this post off with my usual beginning few lines, I'll just skip all that nonsense.

Life has been a bit of an adventure over the past year. SO many things have changed. I'm not even sure where to begin...

I've been working A LOT. Still trying to save up money and buy my own car. I'm not going to lie, I've been slacking in the saving department. I've never been a good saver. I'm better on spending money. Can't take it with you, ya know? But I finally have enough to put a good down payment on something decent. I'm pretty excited but I still haven't found a vehicle that I'm willing to make payments on. Yet. I've been searching and searching so I'm hoping that something will come along soon. Fingers crossed! Luckily, my family and friends have been helping me get to and from places. And work is in walking distance so I walk there quite a bit. Just wish it wasn't so hot outside. My roomie/best friend has helped me get around A LOT over the past year, or so, which has helped out more than anything. What would I do without her?

I'm still living in the same little vacation rental that we moved into last August. I'm not sure how long we're going to be living here but we have been looking for a house to rent. I need more space! I keep wanting to craft and make things but since our condo came fully furnished, there's not much room to add more things. Have no fear, whenever we move, I'll be in full crafting mode! I have so many things that I've been dying to make. I can't wait! I need to start making more headbands too. Just to sell for some extra cash! Plus, they were a great time consumer!

My legs are doing GREAT. I'm sure they could be better, I'm working on going to the gym on a regular basis but it's easier said than done. They don't ache as much as they used to. I'm not sure if I'm just used the aching by now or if they're just a lot stronger. Either way, I'm proud of them! I still can't really stand up off the ground that well but it's getting better every time I try.

I can't believe that it's almost been 3 years since my car accident. Whew! Time sure does fly. Seems like just yesterday when I decided to start my blog to keep everyone updated/vent a bit about what was going on. This blog has really helped me. Sometimes you just need to get it out and relax.

I'm sure I've left out a LOT but I'll post more as the days go on. Hopefully!

Sorry for all the rambling. But that's just what I do.

I hope everyone has been wonderful!

"Everyday we're breathing is a day we've won."
- John Fullbright


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